Dec 22, 2020
The Keri Report disects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.
Nutritionist, yoga teacher,...
Dec 8, 2020
Nov 24, 2020
Nov 10, 2020
The concept of GMOs can make a lot of people uncomfortable and question if they're safe to eat and sustainable for the environment. But is there any merit to those concerns?
This week, globally recognized public health dietitian Chris Vogilano, joins me on the podcast to chat about everything GMO and help make sense of...
Oct 27, 2020
Why is a diet that’s been around for almost 10 years suddenly getting popular all over again? In this episode, I break down the Whole 30 Diet, what it is, who created it and if it's really worth giving it a try.
If you've listened to my show before you'll know that I'm not typically a big fan of fad diets, and the...